Save your back with proper moving lifting techniques

When you hire the services of a professional moving service such as Moving Matters, your packing, unpacking and moving specialists, you don’t have to worry about using proper lifting techniques. Proficient and able movers realise how to utilise the correct strategies to evade and avoid injury and to take care of the job at hand at a fast and efficient pace. Here’s a summary of the critical proper lifting methods when moving heavy objects without hurting one’s self or causing any damage to the residence during a move.

moving boxes Sydney

Have A Plan and safety In Mind First

Assembling a plan should be first and foremost on the list of things you need to do prior to packing and moving. An arrangement of some sort for moving is imperative to the accomplishment of the move. Prior to anything being lifted and moved into the truck on moving day, it’s critical to have a plan. Proficient movers do this each and every day and they generally set aside the effort to have an arrangement before they lift one single thing. So try and sort out a plan of some sort, as this can help save time and effort in the end.

If you intend to move items you need to ensure the following safety measures are in place before hand:

  • Keep exit paths clear. Make sure no trim hazards are present along corridors, and random items can seriously jeopardize your safety and the safety of others involved in the move. The paths outside your home should also be free of any debris, excessive dust, water, mud, etc.
  • Wear appropriate footwear. Wear appropriate and comfortable shoes – ones that will give you the best protection possible. Enclosed toe shoes with rubber soles that offer good traction and flexibility such as joggers or sneakers.
  • Ask friends for help. Lifting heavy furniture and packed boxes is not something you should do on your own as it can be a rather dangerous task. Ask good friends or family with no health or physical aliments to give you a hand when you need it the most. If your friends cannot come to the rescue, you must consider hiring professional movers to avoid unnecessary pain and injury in the near future.

It May Be A Good Idea To Stretch First

It’s almost critical you try and stretch before and prior to lifting. If you somehow happened to go to the gym often, you’d probably stretch as a piece of your warm up before you start your full exercise. Lifting is similar as an exercise and first goes a long way to preventing injury. Stretching is definitely worth the extra effort in partaking, and a good idea to make sure you don’t get injured.

What Exactly Will You Be Lifting During The Move?

Mooving Matters are extremely experienced in lifting items. Generally we will not move something without first knowing what we are lifting. It’s a good idea to first have an idea of what you are lifting. How heavy will it be? Will you be able to move it through the door? How will you get it through the door?

For example, even when we move boxes. Generally we will know first whats inside the box before we attempt to lift it. The contents of the box are important, and how fragile or heavy the items may be. These all play a part in the decision making process before we attempt to move an item.

The Importance Of Using the Proper Stance

Moving anything substantial requires the correct position prior to lifting. An athletic stance with your feet at shoulder-width length separated is ideal. One foot ought to be slightly further forward than the other, too. If you incorporate these suggestions, it should help a great deal in moving items.

Prevent Back Injury By Bending with Your Knees

The quickest method to become injured while lifting items is to lift with your back. This would be termed by professional movers as an unacceptable lifting procedure. Proficient movers will bend and twist at the knees to ensure their back is safe and does not get injured. Furthermore, they will keep their back straight, shoulders back, chest out, and keep your eyes fixated ahead while they are lifting and moving hefty and heavy items. Your back is something you want to look after in the long term, as injury to the lower back can be very expensive and painful.

Have a firm grip

Make sure you have a good grip on the heavy object before attempting to lift it. Wearing good quality work gloves will improve the grip significantly and at the same time protect your fingers and hands. Whenever available, use handles to reduce the risks of any accidents.

Carry items close to your body

While moving heavy boxes, for always try to keep them close to your waist line– as it is relatively centred in relation to your body. This is the best way to maintain your stability as the weight will stay close to your centre of gravity. It’s also a good technique to keep your elbows tucked in and your eyes looking forward at all times.

Move your feet, do not twist

No twisting and shouting necessary here! It’s very important not bend or twist your back when lifting and carrying heavy objects whilst moving. Rather than turning with your hips at the waist, try to move your feet to turn together with the load.

Move slowly and smoothly

Avoid doing any sudden and jerking movements that may place a great amount of pressure on a certain part of the body. Always take slow and gentle movements allowing your muscles and soft tissues in your body to have the time to process and adapt. Also, make sure your footing is as secure as it can be, taking only small and careful steps – one at a time.

Keep the load below waist level

Try to lift heavy items up to your waist. Never lift heavy things over your head, as you will put extra strain on your arm and back muscles. Weight distribution in such cases is critical, if the load you’re trying to lift over your head turns out to be more than you can handle safely and its weight is not distributed evenly, you could easily become injured.

Push rather than pull

If you’re using mechanical aid as a furniture dolly or placed sliders under the legs of super heavy furniture pieces, then be mindful that it’s safer to push heavy objects forward than to pull them backward. By doing so you’ll not only need less force to keep heavy items moving, but you’ll also be able to see what’s going on in front of you.

Don’t Be In A Rush

It is of the uttermost importance to remember before moving heavy objects that you’re not trying to speed up the process. Your goal is to prevent personal injury, especially back injury. While proficient movers need to take care of business on schedule and get the job done fast, they will not be in a rush while lifting and moving things into the truck or out of the truck. All things being equal, they will set aside the appropriate measure of effort to move everything securely without injury to themselves or hurting your valuable belongings. Allocating the proper amount of time, whilst still maintaining a proficient speed is of the utmost importance to us here at Mooving Matters. And we value your belongings and ensure nothing gets damaged. Maintaining the integrity of the customer’s possessions is always at the forefront of our service.

Likewise, proficient movers gradually lift with their legs as they keep their backs straight during the interaction. By lifting gradually, movers can assist with preventing injury, which could also lead to damaging your things, which we seek at all costs not to do.

Step By Step To Communicate

At the point when you enlist proficient movers for your private move, you will see they make little strides and small steps while moving substantial things. Communication is key to the process, and they will likewise speak with one another to guarantee things are moved appropriately without injury. It’s particularly critical to convey when two individuals are moving a bigger item together.

moving boxes Sydney

Moving can be perilous. Without the appropriate lifting methods, attempting to move large items on your own could prompt and lead to injury. At the very least you will end up extremely exhausted and probably conclude doing that yourself was absolutely not worth it all. There are no motivating factors to risk it and put it to chance. Recruit and hire an expert moving company to do all the heavy lifting for you, and leave them to do all the planning for you. Take the hassle and stress out of it, it’s money well spent. In the end, you’ll guarantee every one of your cherished possession are lifted and moved with the appropriate and correct methods.

At Mooving matters we can keep your move stress free and provide you a custom quote and recommendations for all various sized full service moves, including packing and unpacking services in Sydney. Just give us a call and we can organise a obligation free quote and advice. Contact us now on 02 93375333 or email us at

How to do a full service move properly and productively

When you get to the point where you need to hire movers to do your packing and unpacking, alongside stacking and moving your things, it’s commonly known as a full-service move. This sort of move will save you time in the long run, however how exactly will the time be saved is the real question?

There are as yet a few tasks that should be finished. From ensuring your utilities are turned on at your new home to tidying up your old home prior to turning in your keys, you have plenty of things to do and tick off your list.

In case you’re wanting to enlist professional and experienced moving specialists for a full-service move, here are a few things that can end up saving you a lot of time in the end, and have you thanking yourself you did so.

moving boxes Sydney

Come Up With A Moving List or Inventory

Before the professional movers arrive to gather get together your possessions, you’ll need to make a moving list which will become very handy in terms of time saving. This is an effective method to figure out what you own and to ensure every one of your possessions make it to your new home.

Having an ordered list will guarantee you understand what needs to be packed and what gets unloaded. You need to be very specific with this, and possibly maybe even consider taking pictures of anything that could be costly and expensive, just in case anything goes wrong.

Downsize your belongings before packing

Paying for packing services can become quite costly if you have a large amount of items to be packed and moved. Prior to moving, plan to sort through your belongings and decide what you don’t need any more or don’t want to bring across to your new property. Look to potentially donate unwanted items to charity, or have a garage sale or sell nearly-new or unused belongings through somewhere like gumtree or facebook marketplace online. You will cut your moving costs considerably by eliminating excess junk that will be uselessly collecting dust at your new home.

Examples of things that you may want to get rid of:

  • Preloved Toys and play equipment
  • Clothing and shoes
  • Appliances, homewares and furniture

Establish Beforehand What Really Needs To Be Packed

You may not need movers packing each and everything you own. Regardless of whether you need to pack your most costly things or you want to pack your dress all alone, ensure you sort this out early.

In case you’re moving a significant distance, ensure you put aside a difference in garments and different things you may require. Likewise, consider packing significant archives yourself as opposed to having movers handle these things.

On the off chance that conceivable, assign a room or a zone obviously set apart for the things you will pack. This zone can likewise be assigned as the things you will take in your vehicle with you.

Double check, and then Triple check everything

When the movers begin to get together your things and put them into the truck, you can begin to the task of triple checking everything. Check cupboards, corners, storage rooms, and different regions to guarantee you don’t abandon anything. Best to be safe and check it again, as it will work out better for you in the end………. better to be safe than sorry.

Never Pack Flammable Items

It’s a good idea not to have items that are flammable to go along with the stuff that needs to be packed. Removalists will generally not touch anything that can be set alight as a safety precaution. It’s a good to set these things aside and pack them yourself. Some examples of these items include lighters, nail polish, batteries, cleaning substances, propane and aerosol cans. It is a good idea to remove these items totally and have them nowhere near the professional movers.

What to Do With Pets And Kids?

While movers are at your home packing up, you need to keep the children and pets out of their way. It’s a good idea to keep them occupied in the back yard or have one parent take the children and pets to a neighbourhood playground or something of the like. The most important thing is that they stay out of the way of the movers as accidents can happen and it can also slow down the process.

While movers are at your home packing up, you need to keep the children and pets out of their way. It’s a good idea to keep them occupied in the back yard or have one parent take the children and pets to a neighbourhood playground or something of the like. The most important thing is that they stay out of the way of the movers as accidents can happen and it can also slow down the process.

Keeping the kids and pets far removed of the assistance of the movers will help a great deal to proceedings work quicker, yet it will likewise guard your pets and children from any mishaps. On the off chance that the situation gets urgent, you can even consider recruiting a sitter for the pets or children during the time the movers are packing up.

Get move ready – disassemble, unplug and empty out

Be ready for your movers and look to prep the following, it would be helpful

  1. Ensure your spaces are clear of any trip hazards such as wires and cords. Wrap wires around their corresponding devices for easy packing into boxes and not run the risk of tripping or breaking a cord.
  2. Certain home appliances day, such as the washing machine, dryer and refrigerator require some preparation before moving. For example, a fridge must be emptied out, cleaned, unplugged, and left to defrost for 24 hours before the move. Gas connections will need to be turned off and disconnected and the water drained from washing machines and icemakers in refrigerators.
  3. A few movers will dismantle furniture, while others may not. It can save you a little bit of cash in the event that you unpack and dismantle things before the movers show up for the final pack and move. This is efficient use of your time when you recruit full-service movers.

There are numerous things you will in any case have to do, in any event, when you recruit full-service movers. Ensure you fully comprehend what your movers are willing and able to accomplish and do for you, and what you will have to essential do on your own. Having this clear understanding will help a great deal of managing both yours and the mover’s expectations.

Before the movers arrive, make sure you measure up all hallways and doorways so that your furniture and any other cumbersome pieces that will have to pass through will be able to with no hassles. In some cases, you may have to take doors off their hinges or remove architraves to make spaces wider. It’s wise to also check your floors for anything that could be hazardous during the move, like loose floorboards or carpeting.

Tip – If possible, bring all boxes down to the first floor of your home for easier access for your movers.

moving boxes Sydney

At Mooving matters we can take the hassle out of your move and provide you a custom quote and recommendations for all various sized full service moves. Just give us a call and we can organise a obligation free quote and advice. Contact us now on 02 93375333 or email us at

Selecting The Right Moving Boxes For Your Move

Movers and packers sydney

When a move is approaching there are many preparation activities you need to do and a list of choices you need to make. In any case, when selecting the correct boxes for the job, it doesn’t need to be one of the difficult ones. Let us walk you through some moving box alternatives and important aspects to consider. In this blog post we will give recommendations regarding sizes and quality and also padding/packing materials to enable you to choose what you’ll require to get the pack done right. To summarise Mooving Matters will help you;

  1. Select the right box for its contents – shape, size, weight & fragility
  2. Ensure the box is the right strength and is of quality construction
  3. Purchase the right number of boxes for the size of the job at hand
moving boxes Sydney

There are so many boxes of all shape and sizes to select from, so let’s review the basic types and dimensions…

Standard Moving Box Sizes

Moving boxes are an essential to any successful move. They take a lot of stress and impact when continually lifted, pulled and stacked are intended to protect your belongings until they reach their intended destination or new home. The ideal box size relies upon the shape, measurement and weight of the various objects to be packed and moved. Below is a summary of some standard sizes of moving boxes:

Small (25 – 40L); Small boxes usually are sized 41 x 31 x 31cms. These boxes are the best for packing such items like small electronics, books, CDs and DVDs.

Medium (50 – 70L); Medium boxes measure around 44 x 40 x 30cms, these are incredibly good for things like towels, DVDs and various home decor items.

Large Tea chest box (100 – 110L); Large boxes measure approximately 51 x 51 x 38cms. They hold bigger things like kitchen gadgets, curtains, bedding to cushions.

Extra-large — On the biggest size are the 62 x 47 x 45cm boxes. They hold those cumbersome but, lighter homewares like quilts, pillows and gym equipment

Alternative specialised packing box options

Even though most things in your home can find a way into a standard moving box, there are more specific box types available to address all your packing concerns and objects:

Port a robe carton — These are intended for hanging garments, these include a pole over the top for that purpose. Shoes, belts and totes can fit in the cartons base. They hold the garments that would fill approximately 60cm of lineal wardrobe space.

Kitchen boxes — These accompany compartments that can be modified to hold drinking glasses, dishes and China. When packing firstly wrap up items in bubble wrap or pressing paper, and utilize the box inserts to reduce the chances of breakages.

Picture boxes — These are intended to safely pack and carry works of art and mirrors during a move. They come in medium and quiet big sizes and are assembled in two sections with the goal that you can modify them to be fit for purpose or any sized panel or pane.

TV boxes — These are intended for protecting your plasma or LED screen. They are made of different pieces, so you can make the correct size to accommodate your TV.  

Lamp boxes — They’re intended to ensure long or differently shaped table or floor lamps These boxes can come up to 120cm high.

Office record boxes — These boxes are made to guard your significant files and documents. These cartons are twofold walled to deal with hefty records and very easy to put together, stack and keep after a move.

Other specialised boxes that are available are wine bottle boxes, bike cartons, golf cartons, and audio boxes.

moving boxes Sydney

Free or Hired or Bought Moving Boxes?

Yes, you can try and score free boxes from gumtree (2nd hand) or discarded product boxes in places like the supermarket or bunnings hardware store to save money, however these can be more of hassle then a convenience.

We opt for all our clients to utilise where possible new boxes than reused ones. When using used boxes it is hard to get the consistent size and quantity you specifically need. Also the boxes durability will have been significantly diminished and could break very easily even with loads of packing tape!  

Hired boxes can be expensive especially if these boxes are plastic lidded crates, you will also need to store these and organise pick up once used.

For cost saving and fit for purpose boxes, we recommend our tried and trusted good quality, recyclable box ranges. You can see our readily available Mooving Matters selection of packing supplies and moving boxes here. Just contact us for an estimate and prompt delivery or pick up of your boxes on the Lower North Shore.

Other packing essential to consider when starting a pack;

  • Markers and pens
  • Packing tapes including “fragile” tape
  • Tape dispenser gun
  • Protective coverings and drop sheets
  • Bubble wrap and packing pellets
  • Packing Papers – Tissue paper and Butchers paper
  • Labels and coloured stickers
moving boxes Sydney

At Mooving matters we can take the hassle out of your move and provide you a custom quote and recommendations for various sizes and types of boxes to suit your scale of move. We can also provide speedy delivery and pick up services for boxes on the lower north shore. Just give us a call and we can fill you in on our box and packing services. Contact us now on 02 93375333 or email us at

The Best Removalists North Shore Of Sydney Has To Offer

Mooving Matters is able to offer fast and efficient removalists for the North Shore of Sydney. We specialise in residential moves and also office relocation. We operate all over the North Shore of Sydney, anywhere from Lane Cove, to Chatswood and Crows Nest and North Sydney to name a few.

Customers in the North Shore will get access to our full service moving capability, depending on the type of moving or relocation that needs to take place.. From high end mansions in the leafy paths of Killara, right through to apartments and penthouses located in Chatswood, Mooving Matters can take care of it for you. And if its an office relocation in North Sydney that you require, we can also take care of that for you.

We’ve been in the moving and relocation business for over 10 years now, so let us give take care of your moving or relocation needs.

Our Services include:

•           Removals insurance to take the hassle out of it for you the customer

•           The Packing and unloading for those individuals too occupied to even consider doing it themselves, or who need the more significant level of help one gets from getting the experts to look after it.

•           All Boxes and packing materials to be provided on the day

Our most competitive removalist rates depends on the ability to have two removalists. For bigger homes three or four men are regularly required and rates are basically dependant on each individual circumstance.

With different removalist trucks working all through Sydney’s Upper and Lower North Shore, moving house or moving your business, and putting away your significant belongings has never been simpler for us.

We offer exceptionally good value for the two removalists, and can provide a tailored touch to remove all the hassle away from you the customer. We can even provide new and second hand moving boxes and all the fundamentals involved with the moving process. Reach out to us now for a quick removalist quote via telephone.

movers that pack for you

Full Service Removalists For The North Shore of Sydney

We’re here to assist with making the moving procedure simple and as calm as could be expected under the circumstances. Our group can evacuate various tedious prerequisites of the moving procedure from your daily agenda including the supply of moving boxes, proficient packing help that can be provided by our excellent team, and organising and sorting out secure stockpiling of your important effects, where required. It’s all a part of our expert moving services that we can provide.

Home Removals : Our group of furniture removalist will easily take care of the moving process within your house. We’ll think about and take care of your important belongings as if they were our own – we even guarantee it!

Business and Office Relocations : Moving office or moving your business to elsewhere? Our master office evacuations group can deal with moving each part of your business to your new premises. We have + years involvement with office migrations and removalist administrations.

Providing Moving Boxes : We can provide both new and second hand moving boxes alongside all the necessities for a sheltered move that will protect your belongings and resources including butchers paper, bubble wrap, plastic furniture covers, striped sacks and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Proficient movers and packing assistance provided : Too occupied to pack and unload all your belongings yourself? Let our expert removalist packers deal with this challenging activity for you. We can do this service for both residential and commercial services.


movers that pack for you

All You Need To Know About Sydney’s North Shore

 Sydney’s North Shore has been compared to an Easy Listening radio broadcast station playing Golden Oldies from breakfast until the lights go out, while the remainder of Sydney rocks to similar moves nonstop.

What else would you anticipate from Australia’s greatest white collar class neighbourhood?

Probably not a colossal funfair, yet the key achievement over the Sydney Harbour Bridge is Luna Park, fantastic play region of youngsters from all over Sydney, site of thousands of birthday festivities, weddings, and corporate social events for people who like to celebrate with a spin. It’s a renowned milestone of amusingness that misrepresents the territory’s generally traditionalist notoriety. The North Shore has a beat the entirety of its own. An organization called Bridge Climb, for instance, thrills individuals with day by day moves up and over Sydney Harbour Bridge from whose most noteworthy point you can see the Blue Mountains toward the west and the Pacific Ocean toward the east.

Perspectives north are first hindered by North Sydney CBD’s high rises where lively publicizing and film-production ventures contend with the administrative centres of numerous conspicuous organizations. Fifteen minutes farther up the train line lingers the city-inside a city that is Chatswood. Seen from far off it is emphatically suggestive of Los Angeles’ transcending satellite of Century City.

The North Shore and its inhabitants have represented soundness, decency and white collar class proficient qualities for over 100 years now and as Australia’s greatest and most extravagant conurbation and are probably not going to consider evolving.

It extends from the Sydney Harbour Bridge arches as far as possible up the Pacific Highway and its equal railroad line to the suburb of Waitara, last stop in the city before the occasion towns of NSW’s Central Coast. Carefully “the North Shore” is actually the another way to say “The North Shore Railway Line” which runs from Lavender Bay’s Milsons Point Station.

The railroad and the thruway are the storage compartment of a tree that sends branch expressways east and west which while clearly not on the North Shore Line are in any case especially part of the territory known as The North Shore.

Disconnected rural areas toward the east are Kirribilli, Neutral Bay, and Cremorne; great spots to live, work and play on account of their nearby boutique and general store shopping and simple access to Manly and the brilliant breadth of the Northern Beaches.

For their friendly rise inhabitants and ever-diminishing independent householders, the principle selling suggestion is that their dominatingly city laborers are just a 15 – 20-minute ferry ride over a life-changing harbour which, following half a month, a great many people disregard with their heads covered in the first part of the day paper. On the other hand, they can arrive by transport in around 12 minutes, in spite of the fact that the best view one can expect is the rear of someone’s head in the seat before you.

Maybe remarkable in this no-train some portion of the world – known as the lower North Shore – Naremburn, Cammeray, Crows Nest, and Willoughby are among the couple of private rural areas that don’t have broad harbour frontages yet they have parklands, fairways, and playing fields in wealth.

North Castlecrag, Castle Cove, Middle Cove and Northbridge then again have plentiful shoreline whose numerous inlets and straights make these lovely rural areas with their energizing houses a fascinating route practice for Mooving Matters and their evacuation groups continuing on ahead. We generally arrive securely yet it’s a driving activity best portrayed as intriguing!

Toward the west Woolwich, the practically obscure selective urban villa of Northwood, Greenwich, Lane Cove, and the toward the west spread of the various on-line rural areas. All getting a charge out of a larger number of trees than individuals and incredible transport associations with one another and with the primary Sydney CBD pretty much than 35 minutes away relying upon area and season of day.

Driving north up the Pacific Highway takes you through North Sydney and a string of verdant rural areas with alluring neighbourhood strip malls of different sizes: Waverton, Wollstonecraft, St Leonards, Artarmon, Epping, Chatswood, Roseville, Lindfield, Killara, Gordon, Pymble, Turramurra, Warrawee, Wahroonga, and Waitara.

Of these St Leonards, only two or three minutes north of North Sydney, is its own one of a kind future city with high rise work environments outperforming the town. St Leonards is the home of one of Australia’s driving clinical centers, the Royal North Shore Hospital.

In the event that you’re into emergency clinics either considering the way that you need them or are basically excited about medical facilities, you’ll be happy to hear that the North Shore is especially furnished with clinical thought of various sorts. Similarly as Royal North Shore there is moreover a significant open emergency facility at Hornsby while the Mater Hospital at Crows Nest, on the edge of North Sydney, and the San Adventist Hospital, at Wahroonga, are huge private facilities.

Should none of these medical service offices work out for you then the Northern Suburbs Memorial Gardens and Crematorium, at North Ryde, has held a special spot in the lives of North Shore families for over 80 years.

The well-to-do suburb of Gordon marks a sort of beginning post for the North Shore’s amazing verdant lanes and impressive homes with home costs being about the main things that are tall building. It’s likewise home to one of Sydney’s greatest bat populaces. Enormous numbers, extremely huge bats. They ascend in mists each night to scavenge for natural product thoughout the whole Sydney region.

The North Shore owes its slopes and rivers to its position riding low-lying seaside extends whose vigorously lush sandstone levels and valleys are forerunners to the Great Dividing Range that deceives the west. Ascending from the center of this now extraordinary private conurbation are the skyscraper pinnacles of Chatswood, a noteworthy retail, business and skyscraper loft focus whose shopping centers are among the greatest in Sydney with numerous national retailers and boutique stores drawing in customers from everywhere throughout the city.

Schools are critical to families moving to new homes and if there’s one help that the North Shore gives in bounty its training.

Each rural area has its own government funded school obviously and secondary schools of different levels are liberally appropriated all through the district. Be that as it may, it is the remarkable number of non-public schools – young men’s young ladies’ and co-ed – that grabs the attention.

Moving up the Pacific Highway toward the rear of our removalist van your things pass legitimately or inside a couple hundred meters of a portion of Sydney’s generally elite (read expense paying) schools for young ladies. Abbotsleigh and Pymble Ladies College, to name just two of the more unmistakable.

All have various distinguishing strengths; PLC maybe for its 50 hectares of private grounds. Show up at Gate No 1 and you travel a kilometer + to arrive at Gate 5. As of late named among the world’s main five, sending your girl there will cost you $27,900 in years 11 and 12. Include $23,300 on the off chance that she sheets.

Charge astute, Abbotsleigh with a simple 20ha is business as usual. Acclaimed all through NSW for its quality instruction, it is additionally associated with its late headmistress, Betty Archdale. She was Australia’s most candid school head and presented training for young ladies all through New South Wales while broadcasting her liberal views. She set a custom of freedom and candor that despite everything flourishes in North Shore women today.

In any case, it’s not just young ladies who profit by a wide decision of amazing schools in the region despite the fact that it’s intriguing to take note of that just one young men’s school, Sydney Church of England Grammar School (otherwise known as Shore), is an individual from the Great Public Schools Association which unashamedly would consider itself to be the cream of NSW’s young men’s schools. A case that would be fervently challenged by any number of adversary institutes your children would be glad to join in. Barker, Knox, St Aloysius … the rundown is long and recognized.

Garbs for the young men at a portion of their poshest (read tip top/restrictive/and so on) schools are overcoats and slacks besides, in a couple of cases, straw boaters la England 1898. State funded school young men for the most part wear whatever they like on their heads and appear to be not really any better or worse for it.

North Shore youth all appear to be in full sprout regardless of whether our moving vans are transporting them in or out of what is most likely Sydney’s greatest conurbation of white collar class families.

Brandishing offices, college schools, fairways in abundance – going from Killara Golf Club at $4300 to join and $4300-a-year to Gordon Golf Club where the general population can move up and play a round for just a couple of dollars.

Despite the fact that it’s well known for its abundance of amazing homes and manor houses, the truth of the matter is that most North Shore individuals live in normal Australian houses. Not very glimmering, however not very darn poor either. Whatever your job, we can handle! Huge or little, Mooving Matters moves them all, with the greatest of care, for all your needs for a removalist in North Shore of Sydney.

movers that pack for you

Wherever you are looking to move to the Northern Suburbs of Sydney, Mooving Matters your professional home organisers, full service packers and movers Sydney are here to help. The experienced Mooving Matters team will get you packing , moving and unpacking as soon as possible. To arrange a complementary on-site inspection of your residence and require packing and unpacking or home organisation tasks, contact Mooving Matters, your home organiser Sydney. To simply discuss our Ultimate full service packing + moving’  experience call (02)93375333 or visit us at

Setting Up A Productive Home Office

Since the recent Covid 19 pandemic and introduction of social distancing rules, working from home or WFH has become increasingly common place. In most cases employees have been able to carry out their job tasks successfully away from the office. As restrictions ease numerous employers and companies are now rethinking their office spaces and functionality, allowing many employees to continue to work remotely and having them come into the workplace less. On the other hand, for some WFH is the norm, a daily routine especially for those running their own business. Working from home offers many advantages, including the flexibility of setting your own schedule, time and cost savings by eliminating the daily commute, and for some the ability to set up a business with minimal overheads. Regardless whether you have a home office for doing personal finances, or are working out of the workplace or running a company, there are some essentials that need to be addressed in order for your home office to work productively. Mooving Matters are experienced and skilled at home organisation and they believe a well-designed streamlined and stimulating workspace in the home can achieve a much-needed work life balance. In this article Mooving Matters shed some light on how to minimise distractions and how to get your home office as productive as possible with the following home office planning and organisation tips.

movers that pack for you

Location – Choosing the right space for your home office

For many finding space to set up a home office can be a bit of challenge especially if space is limited. In that case its time to call on some creativity.

If you have the space the best option is to dedicate one room in your home to work, away from districting high traffic common areas. In this space you want the ability to:

  1. Close the door to reduce distractions.
  2. Draw mental associations of that space with your job, as this will make it easier to be more productive.

Unfortunately, your bedroom is not ideal. It is your place for rest and if you if you turn it into an office, your brain may find it hard to switch off and affect your sleeping patterns. If you do need to use your bedroom, avoid laying down on it during working hours.

People in small/share houses should dedicate a shared portion of the house to work, like an open office plan, in an area that is in a quieter zone of the house. The last thing you want t do is children, family or housemates interrupt or take over.

If you don’t have a guest bedroom or a space within a dining room then you could look to possibly set up a desk in a wardrobe or closet. This can be easily achieved by removing the clothes and hanging rod and possibly getting an electrician to add some power points if there are none nearby. The advantage of renovating your wardrobe is that you can keep the desk or workspace behind closed doors when not in use and it won’t take up a room or be out in the open.    

Ideally, your office should be in a quiet area that allows privacy when you need it. You might find that a spare room with a door can reduce noise from the rest of the house if you’ll be on the phone frequently. Your employer might require that you have a door that closes and locks for reasons of confidentiality. It could make sense to choose a room near the front entrance of the house if you’ll be meeting with clients in your home office. You might need a dedicated studio that’s separated from the rest of your home if you need space to layout your work or equipment.

Lighting – Natural and Artificial

It’s extremely important to have proper lighting in a home office and where possible to access natural light. A good way to ensure natural light is to place your desk directly near a window. Studies have shown that having exposure to natural light has numerous health benefits like reducing eye strain and is conducive to being more productive by helping to improve your mood, mental health and boost your immune system. If you cannot place your home office somewhere with access to natural lighting, then next best thing is to invest and install full-spectrum light globes. Even thou these lamp bulbs are more costly than your standard LED or fluorescents, they are much better for your health and eyesight as, they give off a crisper, brighter and whiter light closer to that of natural light.

With placement and installation of desk or task lighting to the work surface, ensure that you have sufficient lighting over your reading area, computer and behind you so that you don’t get reflections on the pc monitor.

Workspace furniture – functionality and Ergonomics

Your writing surface or desk and a comfortable task chair are 2 of the most imperative items you will need to be able to work efficiently and without causing any repetitive stress or injury to your body.

Work Surface – Whether you select a custom-designed desk or use two file cabinets with a tabletop over them, it should be large enough and the right height to comfortably do your work. If your space is limited, draw out a floor plan on graph paper and move the shapes around until you find a workable space. To make the most of the limited space, have shelving installed behind your desk so books and supplies will be easy to reach

A healthier more flexible worksurface is a “Sit to stand” desk, these are great as you can adjust the desk height if you don’t want to sit all day, some of these can be just be placed on top of an existing  fixed table or standard desk top.

Task Chair – The problem with sitting at a desk doing work all day is that it contributes to the sedentary lifestyle that over time has a negative impact to our health.

Humans were not designed to sit all day, and the long-term consequences include upper back, neck & shoulder pain, bad posture, and can contribute to more severe spinal or back injuries. A lot of medical research has shown that a sedentary lifestyle is a significant risk factor for developing non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer.

Standing for longer periods of time at a desk keeps you on your feet and is an effective way to burn calories. In fact, standing half the day at work has been shown to burn 170 more calories than sitting for an equal amount of time.

Once you have worked out your worksurface and if opting for a standard fixed desk, it is important to have a comfortable and ergonomic task chair. By sitting down it can add stress to the structure of your spine, so to reduce the development of back problems it is of great importance to have an office chair that really supports the curve of your spine and lumbar and helps form better posture. A well-designed chair and selecting the right chair for your body will let you sit in a balanced position.

When sitting at your desk there a few things you should remember and put into practice.  Your feet should rest flat on the floor with your thighs parallel to it. Sort your ergonomic chair out first, and then adjust your desk so it works with your elbow height, allowing your forearms to rest parallel to the floor.  

Be organised and beware of clutter – be storage savvy

A clean and decluttered workspace is the most productive workspace. Of course, you want everything you’ll need at hand, but you’d be surprised what you can live without. Clutter is very distracting and reduces efficiency, so try and have bare essential supplies at hand and get rid of the rest.

If your storage space is limited in your designated home office, it might be a good idea to find a place in another area of your home for items and supplies that you use less frequently. The following are some decluttering aspects to consider:.

Make sure that your desk has a large empty work surface:

In a article published in Forbes, magazine approximately “57% of people think that one’s work directly correlates with the tidiness of their office”. So if you sit a messy desk its likely means your work going to be unproductive and produce messy work as well.

Another survey by OfficeMax reported that the clutter in your office can reduce  your productivity and decrease your motivation. If your workspace is consumed by paperwork or overcrowded to find anything, you need to either consider buying a larger desk or research a means of implementing a more efficient organisational system that will reduce your stress and make you feel less overwhelmed.

Storage options to suit your workspace

To run a productive home office setup should include storage to keeps things in order and easy to locate. One of the best ways to do this is with a file cabinet or mobile pedestal for immediate items you need access to placed under your desk, or shelving unit above or opposite your desk to house binders, books and boxes that you need less frequent access to..

Technology and equipment

Setting up your computer

It is most likely that you are you’re working on a laptop. They are portable and compact however are not suitable for sitting at to do a full day of work. If possible, you should set up a computer monitor and separate keyboard and mouse, this will help to reduce the chances that you are hunched all day.

  • Put your monitor on a level surface in your direct line of sight, about one arm’s length away.
  • Your eyes should be level with the top of the monitor, so you can look down without tilting your head or turning your neck.

If you don’t have access to a monitor, raise your laptop to eye level on a balanced, secure surface such as large books or a sit to stand top.

It’s a good idea to wipe down the space around your computer at the end of the week to remove dust and anything that can block air flow to your computer. The last thing you want is to reduce reduce your pc performance and or for it to over heat and break down.

Managing those annoying computer cables

Always put your safety and that of others first, especially if setting up a home office in a shared space. Cables and dangling cords are common trip hazard and can also become a play item children and pets. Apart from safety the last thing you want to happen is that your expensive equipment ends up crashing to the floor and destroyed. Best thing you can do is place your workstation near a power point and have your devices plugged into a power board on your desk, to help limit the number of floor cables. If you need to run one or more off your desk, lay them flat and secured or tapped on the floor or against a wall .

High-Speed Internet Access

Slow Internet connection is certainly frustrating and can significantly hinder your productivity. While you wait for attachments to download, files to transfer, or Web pages to load, you could be getting work done.

Research at your options for better Internet service providers and packages for different ways to access the Internet.

Network Router

Having a network router is necessary if you have more than one computer or laptop that you use around the house. With today’s connection of home products, including smart TVs, mobile devices, and laptops, it is critical to outfit your home office with a network router that is able to handle your demand for Wi-Fi connectivity.


Having the availability to print and scan at home can be a considerable part of being productive. It can saving to have to waste time and run to office works or the library etc.They can be on the higher side for office costs but in long run will save you much needed time and money.

Make it inspiring – Style with colour, artwork and greenery

Adding colour and personal touches will make you workspace more inviting. So you might be thinking you what colour to paint or to be the feature colour in the space? Well the colour you choose does matter and can impact you mood and productivity. For example green is considered to be the most relaxing colour for your eyes and also encourages the unwinding of the mind, and can also promote a sense of comfort and help relieve stress.

Jump onto Pinterest for inspiration and select a decorating style that speaks to you and see how you can inject this into your furniture, window furnishings and wall colour or wallpaper and art. Store office supplies using decorative baskets or nice lidded boxes with textured fabrics. By decorating your home office to express who you are, you’ll enjoy it more and be happy to work in it daily.

Plants are such a great way to add colour and life. These can be hung for the ceiling or placed on shelves or sills or plant stands. You want to just ensure the plant suits the amount and quality of light your get in your workspace so that it doesn’t die. Plants help bring a sense of tranquillity, reduce noise and help filter the air.

Is your home office visitor friendly?

If you have clients in your home office, to ensure to keep things as professional as possible—don’t have them to walk past a baby’s room or messy kitchen to reach you. Always consider the privacy of your work. If clients may be waiting for an appointment with you, provide comfortable seating, a reading light, and something interesting to look at or read.

movers that pack for you

We hope you found this article on setting up your productive home office. However if feel you need professional guidance and assistance is you declutter and home office styling please contact us! The Mooving Matters team of professional home organisers will more than happy to get you organised and up and running.
To arrange a complementary on-site inspection of your home office project by Mooving Matters, your home organiser Sydney call (02) 93375333 or visit us at

Top Garage Storage Solutions – An Organised Garage In A Weekend!

Garage storage solutions – image care of Bunnings

Are you tired of seeing your garage as dumping ground for random objects? We know all too well that garages and sheds are the last to be organised but can be the best multipurpose space and storage area for so many things in the home. So if you have abit of spare time on your hands, just a weekend is enough, then this guide can help you make the most of the most commonly neglected area of the home. Below is our 2 day garage organisation and declutter guide to get your garage or shed in shape in no time!

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Step One; Saturday – The garage declutter

This first step of garage organisation will usually take a better part of a day. Like when you would be sorting through your belongings when starting a move or organising a wardrobe Start the garage declutter process by sorting items into the following categories:

  • Keep – In step two you will find a new location or zone in garage for these items
  • Donate / sell – Collect unwanted belongings and either pass on to friends / family or a charity or you could sell these online.
  • Throw – When you next council pick up? Organise disused items to be discarded properly, placed in recycling bin if possible or sent to the tip

After a big day of sorting and garage decluttering take a rest as tomorrow you will be on to zoning and collating into storage.

Step Two; Sunday AM – Grouping similar items together & zoning

Look to create functionality in your garage space by creating a mud map of zones. Set up different areas in your garage to store things with ease of access for how often they are used. For example, put all your garden tools and equipment together in one area in cabinet or using a peg board, sport equipment on racks or hangers etc.

Making specific areas for different things will make your garage organisation better to navigate and potentially provide a neat place to work in as well.

Remember to ensure heavy items / boxes are stored closer to the ground and so shelves don’t tip or break.

Step Three; Sunday PM – Using Garage storage solutions to stack & store

This step is about being storage smart with new your garage organisation. Once you have decluttered the garage and made some space for where you would like certain things to go, next you will need to group and store the various items you are keeping together appropriately so you can find them again with ease. For instance, if you have a lot of hardware bits and pieces such as different sized nuts, bolts, nails etc., then its best place these in either small plastic containers with lids or better still clear boxes with different compartments. You can grab these at any good hardware store like Bunnings or a storage accessories shop like Howards storage world.

Containers and storage Boxes

Boxes are the most convenient and accessible garage storage solution to start seeing clarity out of chaos in your garage. It pays to place items in the right sized boxes or containers and also labelling them. Keeping things organised in boxes will make your life much easier and neater, with finding random objects no longer being a mammoth mission. Good garage organisation is a must especially if you reside in apartment block and have a shared secure garage, you will want to be smart with how you store your items. Importantly you do not want to upset your strata for not keeping your storage area tidy.

Re-purpose old furniture

If you have shelving or storage chest you no longer use inside the home then don’t throw them out but look to reuse them in the garage. These can be great storage for outdoor toys or sports or camping equipment. Where you can save some dollars and the environment and reuse functional furniture.

Shelving and Cube storage

The good old Ikea style freestanding cube shelving unit or cupboard can provide those much needed pigeon holes for storing various items. With the use of plastic tubs per each cube partition, will allow you to easily separate things easily. You can have tubs dedicated to car cleaning equipment, sports equipment, repair kits, gardening tools etc. Of course, also clearly labelling your cubes will help you know quickly where to locate things. The cube unit is cheaper but sturdy garage organisation solution and piece of furniture that can store numerous items, especially if it can be anchored against a wall.

Racking & wall mounts

Open style industrial metal shelving systems as racks are great for storing gardening equipment as rakes and brooms and electrical tools. Racks can go quiet high making it a good way to store things that don’t get used very often, up and out of the way like the Christmas tree and its decorations. Racking units are space saving, maximise your storage area, are sturdy and keep equipment safe and tidy. They reduce the chance of trip hazards and less chance of getting your car scratched or damaged by falling equipment and tools. 

Clothes racks

Hate tracking sandy or dirty clothes into the house? Then why not look to have a free standing clothes rack in the garage? It is a good place to dry wetsuits and towels on hangers or hang sports gear. And is easily accessible to the car for when you decide to hit the beach or field beach.

Bike Rack

Bikes can take up a lot of floor space in garage so a bike rack that hangs off the wall or stands on the floor can be very space efficient and keeps things clutter free. Racks help prevent bikes falling over and damaging cars.

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Wall hangers & Ceiling racks

Wall hangers or custom hanging peg boards are great garage organisation method for mounting and placing tools neatly out of the way of a work bench but keeping them visually accessible. For high Ceiling or roof space use appropriate screw in hooks or hangers to store items such as fishing rods, surf boards, ski’s to pieces of timber or pipe. These racks are great for the handy man or sporty family.

movers that pack for you

Always consider everyone’s safety when completing any garage organisation task.

Garages can be hazardous places so its important to ensure you keep any pets and children out of the vacinity whilst clearing and moving. Also you want to ensure you safely store potentially dangerous things properly to minimise accidents. The following are some aspects you will want to consider thoughtfully:

  • Toxic chemicals – these should be placed in a lockable or secure area where kids can’t access them.
  • That sharp objects as tools are placed high?
  • Are heavy or large items placed where they can’t be easily knocked or tipped over?
  • Trip hazards and clutter need to be assessed and should also be eliminated around doors. A general minimum clearance space should be maintained around where a car is to be parked so any doors can easily be opened.

We hope you found this article on the best garage organisation solutions helpful and inspired you in decluttering your home. However if your garage is just too much of headache to tackle on your own, we at Mooving Matters with our team of professional home organisers will more than happy to assist!
To arrange a complementary on-site inspection of your Garage organisation tasks by  Mooving Matters, your home organiser Sydney call (02) 93375333 or visit us at

Managing The Decluttering Of A Deceased Estate

Decluttering your own home can be hard and very time consuming, however, to clean out somebody else’s home especially that of a loved one that has passed can be extremely difficult and demanding both emotionally and physically.

Managing a deceased estate can become an overwhelming and costly task without proper forward thinking and planning. In this article we hope to highlight some key points to consider in making the process as painless as possible mentally and financially for yourself and the family.

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Step One – Locate All Important Documents For The Deceased Estate

To make yours and your solicitor’s job easier collect all essential documentation of the deceased as soon as possible. You want to ensure you don’t have to replace any missing documents which can be costly process. Items you may need to locate include the following just to name a few:

  • Latest Will,
  • Recent bank statements,
  • Life insurance policy,
  • Certificate of Title or property deeds,
  • Share certificates,
  • Recent Tax returns

The solicitor will require these crucial documents to tie up any loose ends during the estate administration process.

Step Two – Who Has An Interest In The Deceased Estate?

It is wise to start the decluttering process with family members so you can all go through and pull out items that are sentimental and wanting to be claimed. The reading of the will after the funeral will also give you the information you need on who is to be given what as the wishes of the deceased. If you are unsure at all on who can have certain procession it is best to seek legal advice.

Step Three – Implement A Decluttering Project Plan

With any project or major task is best to break it down into actionable task and to work out a timeline for when tasks need to be completed by. This will help reduce any anxiety, prior to pending sale or settlement of estate draws near. It is estimated you should allow approximately half a day to clear out and sort a room, all up one to two weeks should be allowed in total to do a proper job depending on the size of the house and the amount of belongings to sort through.

Step Four – Retain Items You Want To Keep From The Deceased Estate

Ensure you find and keep any photo albums, jewellery, or sentimental items when possible and remove it from the property, this is just so it does not have a chance to go missing, thrown out or get damaged. Its highly likely you will also find many other things as you clear out the residence, but best place to start is with what you know about.

For valuable items it’s a good idea to remove them from the premises or tag them to indicate you want them to be sold.

Once this is completed the remainder of the items in the property can be removed or allocated more efficiently. It is easier to start the clearing process by removing wanted items, rather than stressing over on what to do with the unwanted items and the numerous belongings to sort through.

Tip #1 – Keep an eye out for hidden cash

It is not uncommon for Money to be hidden inside the home in places like old shoe boxes. Be meticulous by checking through any paperwork and inside wardrobes and clothing such as jacket pockets and any boxes. Without attention to detail cash can easily be thrown out or left in the estate.

Tip #2 – Get things valued

If the deceased estate contains potentially valuable items as antiques or art works, it is wise to determine if a piece is an original or of any significant value. In this case organise to have selected furniture, jewellery, china wears and artworks reviewed and valued by the experts. Otherwise Mooving Matters can assist in contacting the right people to carry out this for you.

Step Five – Start The Sorting And Declutter Process Early

A clear out of an estate can easily take a number of days to even weeks to declutter and clean up depending on its size. So, its best to start the process as early as possible. Mooving Matters are experienced professional home organisers so If you need some tips on decluttering, this might help get you on your way.

Tip #3 – Methodical Sorting makes sense

Create 3 designated layout spaces or zones in the estate for all the remaining items. Tackling one room at a time, sort the items and clear this out before proceeding onto the next space. A completely clear room will motivate you to keep going and move on to the next, helping you get through the task most efficiently an in timely manner.

As you sort items these should be placed, named or labelled in the following categories:

  • Rubbish,
  • charity,
  • sell.
movers that pack for you

Step Six – Selling Items From The Deceased Estate

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Popular online methods typically used to sell goods privately include Gumtree, ebay and facebook marketplace and can be done via their associated websites or apps. These platforms are an easy, secure and a fast way to reach a huge number of potential buyers and sell virtually anything.

Before posting the ads or the items for sale you will need to take photos, provide measurements and details and come up with a realistic resale price. The more information you provide on the advertisement the better chance you have selling quickly and for the price you want.

Step Seven – Donating Unsold and Unwanted Items To Charities

Many local charities can organise a truck and a few people to inspect and collect unwanted items such as furniture and appliances you wish to donate. For smaller items you can organise a drop off to your local opportunity store when you have a chance. It’s a much more environmentally means to try and give away items then they end up in landfill especially if in good condition.

Step Eight – Cost Effective Deceased Estate Rubbish Removal

Unfortunately, taking out the rubbish and having it removed is one of the biggest costs involved in a deceased estate’s clean up effort. However, if organised and done properly significant savings can be made.

You want to try and avoid hiring and using skips where possible. They are costly and unfortunately you will find other people in the neighbourhood may try to discard things into it as well. Best to get a company with a truck and people to load and take away your items, so you only pay for what has be collected and not a half empty skip. Ultimately try and make use of your free council rubbish collection if available or suitable.

At Mooving Matters our decluttering process is designed to minimise deceased estate rubbish removal, reducing the goods that ultimately need to go to the paid tip. Let us take the headache out of arranging your rubbish removal by taking up a tailored decluttering service package.

Step Nine – Organise Self-Storage If Required

If your home cant fit the extra items such as furniture and boxes from the deceased estate, that you have not yet sold or been able to off load or sort, then hiring a secure self-storage locker is a good idea. There are numerous self-storage companies offering competitive and inexpensive rates. One benefit of paid storage is that it could motivate you to make decisions about the remaining items sooner so you can stop paying monthly fees.

Step Ten – Get The Professionals To Help With The Clearing Out

full service moving and packing 2

If you are time poor or you don’t have family or friends to assist in the estate’s clear out, then it only makes sense to invest in hiring a qualified and experienced team of professional home organisers specialising in decluttering.

After just losing a loved one the last thing you probably want to do is be surrounded by their belongings and the task of sorting through what to keep and discard. Decluttering an estate is very emotionally draining process and can be time consuming as you can be stumped on where to start and what to do.

Decluttering professionals Moving Matter can respectfully make decisions more quickly and easily for you, taking the pressure off you straight away.

Our empathetic team of ladies collectively have years of experience clearing deceased estates and preparing them for settlement. Mooving Matters can identify and locate important items and valuables within a property or just undertake a pack and detailed clean and tidy once home has been cleared out..

movers that pack for you

Always Put Your Health and Emotions First

Dealing with a deceased estate can be a massive task and too much to bear physically and emotionally for just a single person to do themselves. Don’t at any stage take on any heavy lifting tasks yourself and if you aren’t ready to confront the grief head on then take a step back and let others help. Your number one priority during this time is to cherish the memories of the loved one you have recently lost. So remember to take photos of the house before you start the clear out, talk and share memories of your loved one with friends and family as you work through the process and treat and pace yourself, as some days will be harder than others.

Mooving Matters are here to assist and manage your deceased estate during this challenging period. To arrange a complementary on-site inspection of the deceased estate by  Mooving Matters, your home organiser Sydney call (02) 93375333 or visit us at

Covid 19 Assurance – Keeping you, your family and our team safe

movers that pack for you

Care and good hygiene practices are important to every Mooving Matters team member. In these troubling times, we are ramping up our hygiene protocols to help keep you, your family and our team safe. We ask that you do the same while we are in your home because our team wants to stay healthy.

Our new safe health practices are constantly evolving in line with both State and Federal Health Department guidelines.

At the time of writing, our removalists and packing teams are doing the following:

  1. Providing each team member with a fresh Hygiene Kit for every pack and unpack we do. The Hygiene Kits include:
    • Commercial grade, individual sized hand sanitiser
    • Disposable gloves
    • Face mask
    • Disinfectant
    • Paper towels
    • Hand wash
  • All team members have been briefed on the COVID-19 symptoms to look out for – including any signs of a sore throat or temperature. If they fear they may have any symptoms, they cannot come to work until they have been medically cleared.
  • We have always been meticulous about washing our hands while we pack and unpack for our clients. We now boost this with more thorough hand washing and hand sanitiser use.
  • While packing and unpacking your home, all team members will maintain the mandatory social distancing space between each other. Please also ensure you (or any family members) also maintain a considerate distance from our team.
  • The removalists we use will also follow the same hand washing and hand sanitising protocols. We have also asked them to wear gloves at all times.

You can help us by:

  • Ensuring all children and/or elderly family members are elsewhere during the pack and unpack process.
  • Allowing our team to work efficiently. That means no visitors while we are working. It also means no family members or children to be in the same rooms as we are while we pack and unpack your home.
  • Placing your trust in the honesty and integrity of our team. This includes leaving your home while we pack and unpack.

All team members have been part of the Mooving Matters family since our inception 5 years ago, and I can personally guarantee you can trust these ladies. So go out and do something fun while we take care of your entire move for you. When you return, if you find something isn’t quite where you want it, you can tweak your home after we’ve left.

We hope these new protocols will give you peace of mind that our priority is the health and safety of you, your family and the Mooving Matters team.

Make Moving House Fun and easy!

decluttering services

Moving day unfortunately can be stressful event for most people. Through this transition you may not get much sleep,
with all the tasks at hand you may be more physically exhausted than usual plus you might be juggling a family household and or pets at the same time!

While moving day can be a tad full on, there are things you can do to make moving day easier and fun. Your professional home organisers and full-service movers and packers, Mooving Matters are here to share some ideas to make your moving day more fun and less stressful for all involved.

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Number One Rule When Moving House – Be Positive

The most important thing you can do any day of the week. Yes of course you and your family may be a little overwhelmed or down that you are leaving a home that you love and have shared years of memories in. However, its best to see the move as the first day of your exciting new journey. Laugh, joke, dance and sing out your emotions while you move. When you stay as upbeat as possible, you will find it will help keep your family in good spirits too.

Let The Music Play – Create A Packing And Unpacking Playlist

packing and unpacking sydney

Get yourself in the moving mood and make your boring task far more fun by throwing on the radio or better still creating a playlist for packing can help to keep you motivated. Best to keep the music upbeat and motivational to keep you going. It just might get you dancing as you wrap up your crockery!

An unpacking playlist is also a good idea, again it should be uptempo, however it can have a bit more of a relaxed vibe since you are completing the move process and on the home run.

Smart And Easy Packing Hacks

When you’re working on packing things up, look for any and every opportunity to make your life easier. Here are a few of my fave tips: 

1.   Code The House

Before you get packing give each room in the house its own colour and symbol — For example the kitchen is a red circle, the master bath is a blue star, the baby’s room is a yellow rectangle, etc. Mark each box and item with that room’s symbol. You can write directly on boxes with thick coloured markers.

When you get to your new home, have a copy of each symbol above the corresponding room doors. The moving team can then quickly unpack the moving truck and easily see where everything should now live.

2.   Map It Out

Professional unpackers Moving matters tackle unpacking tasks large and small, and highly recommend the idea of utilising a floor plan. You’re paying movers by the hour, and a floor plan can save you not only time but money. The floor plan just needs to be a basic sketch of each room and where the furniture goes.

Again, tape the floor plans outside each room so that the movers will know without having to ask on multiple occasions where to place the furniture in each room.

3.   Pack A Weekend Bag

Pack yourself and any independents as though you were going on a long weekend break. Fill it with the clothing and toiletries you’ll need to get through the first few days. This should include any important medications, a first aid kit, backup eyeglasses and contacts if required and of course nappies and baby essentials. This way everyone can spend the first few days in the new home without rummaging through boxes for items as clean underwear and a towel.

4.   Room Basics Box

Pack a basics box for each room in the house. So rather than put all the linens you own in a single box, fill a bedding box for each bedroom: sheets, pillows, comforters and, for those in need, bedtime toys. Bathrooms will need toilet paper, bath towels and mats, a shower curtain, soap, garbage can etc. Let the kids fill a box with the personal items that make their rooms feel like home: posters, toys, photos, books.

5.   Kitchen As Command Central

The kitchen being the heart of the home, be ready to action stations by packing a box of kitchen basics– some pots and pans, dishes and utensils, a kettle, a bin with liners, and some cleaning products

Cooking dinner on the first night in your new kitchen and house can be a big ask after a long day of moving, so why not order take-out and make it an occasion. You can also prepare treats for pre or post meal as popcorn, cookies, carrot and celery sticks, and favourite beverages will be welcomed reward during the hours of hard work.

6. Furniture As A Moving Box

If your dressers are filled up with clothes, leave the clothes in there rather than taking everything out and packing it separately. Your movers can wrap up your dresser and ensure none of the drawers move. When you get to your new place, you’ll know exactly where everything is!

7. Keep Your Hangers On

For clothes that are already on hangers in your closet, leave them on the hangers and just place a garbage bag over them for protection if you don’t have suits bags. Rather than giving that stuff to your movers, you can move the items yourself and just transfer them right into your new wardrobe.

8. Keep Smaller Boxes On Hand

Use Bankers or filing Boxes as they’re small and manageable and can stack up perfectly. If don’t have access to Bankers Boxes then just try finding with boxes that are on the smaller side.

9. Think Unpacking When Packing

When you’re packing, think about how you will be unpacking. This will make it more fun because things will be easier. For example, if you have clothing already on the hanger, pack it on the hangers. Then, when you unpack, you don’t have to spend as much time putting each piece on a hanger before hanging it in the closet.

For example pack kitchen things that are placed in drawer organisers in the organisers. Then you can simply grab the organiser and place it into your new drawer.

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Don’t Forget To Reward Yourself

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Break Your Diet

Moving day is the perfect time to break your diet. It will keep things fun and help you feel like it’s a special occasion. Choose something you would not usually eat, such as cookies, sweets or something else you really love. Eat it on your breaks to help you enjoy the day a bit more.

Bribe Yourself

During the move, set up a system of reward and bribe yourself to get the work done. For example, if you really love massages or a facial, then tell yourself that if you can get everything unpacked in the first week you arrive, you can book a appointment for a 90-minute facial for myself. This gives you something special to work towards, but you do have to hold yourself to it. With the right bribe, you can motivate yourself to work hard and get the packing, unpacking done.

Working toward this special treat can really help keep up your motivation and not lose your mojo during the process. Telling a few friends about the goal can help keep you on track and they can help push you along. Better still have a friend join at your spa appointment if you finished unpacking in time to make it more fun and enticing.

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Don’t Forget To Make Moving House Fun For The Kids

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If you’re moving with kids, it’s really important to make it fun for them, too. When it’s time to move, you want to make sure you remind them how special the occasion is. You’re making big changes in your life, even if you’re just moving up the road. Hire the right removalist company that offer packing services and make sure you take the time to plan for moving to be fun.

During The Pack…

Funny Packing Songs

Make up or find funny song for your family to sing while you packing. It could go to the tune of a famous song your kids love. Older kids can come up with their own songs.

Add Some Little Surprises

Even small kids can help pack certain things. Hide little ‘treat’ surprises for them to find while they pack, like stickers or lollies. For older kids, you can hide little notes with funny riddles or a mission that will give them a playful break.

Cardboard Creations

It’s great to put a couple of boxes aside for your kids to play with. They can use them to build a fort, which is a great way to play inside when all the toys have been packed up.

Pick up colourful markers, stickers, and other fun items to personalize a few of the boxes, such as each family member’s essentials box. It will allow them to express some creativity.

Games And Competition Time

If you are packing and moving with your family or friends, you can make things more fun by coming up with some games or competitions. For example, whoever finishes packing their room first gets to choose the restaurant for the evening. Introducing a fun challenge with lift everyone’s spirits and get them more focused on winning the game rather than getting bored with what they are doing.

Moving Day…

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Fancy Dress On Moving Day

Grab matching t-shirts, wear the same colours, get some funny hats, or even theme your clothes based on your favourite characters or superheroes on moving day. Doing something fun with your clothes will help you all take it a little less seriously.

Road Trip Music

Play your kids’ favourite music in the car on route to the new house. Bigger kids can help put together a moving-day playlist.

Road Trip Games

Simple games that can be played in the car are a great way to pass the hours on the road. I Spy, 20 Questions etc require your family’s participation otherwise games like Hangman and The License Plate Game just need a pen and a piece of paper.

Plan A Celebration Meal

At the end of moving day, its great to have a special meal and dessert planned. Reserve a table at your favourite restaurant or order take out that everyone will love. Then, you could all watch a movie or have a family game night.

Unpacking Time…

Throw An Unpacking Party

Get the whole family together to help you unpack. Order pizza or take away, get some dessert, play music, grab some games, and make a party of the unpacking.

Indoor Camping

Once removalists have left, you may not have the energy to get everybody’s bedroom set up. Create a camping ground in your new living room instead and have an indoor camping experience. Trust us the kids will love it.

Let Them Set Up Their Bedroom

Depending on their age, your kids can help unpack and set up their things in their new bedrooms. Giving their own toys in place in new space may also give them extra motivation to look after their room and keep it tidy.

packing and unpacking sydney

New Home, New Art

Children who like arts and crafts might love making a sign for your new home with your family name, and maybe even individual signs for every family member’s room.

Once your boxes are unpacked, cut one side of the box so that it makes a big flat canvas. Head outside if weather is fine, grab some paint and let them go for it art attack style.

If you want to have the best time during your next move.. Just take a deep breath as Mooving Matters are here! Our full services packing and unpacking can help by taking it off yours hands, letting you do more fun things with your time!

movers that pack for you

To arrange a complementary on-site inspection of your home and any removalist, packing and unpacking or home organisation tasks, just contact Mooving Matters, your home organiser Sydney. To simply discuss our Ultimate full service packing + moving’  experience call (02)93375333 or visit us at

Best Kitchen Storage Solutions & Organisation Ideas

Are your kitchen storage cupboards and pantry in disarray? Would you love some simple and affordable tips and recommendations to quickly reorganise and declutter your most used space in your home? In this informative Mooving Matters blog post, we have gathered our professional home organiser expertise to help you get kitchen back on track, especially those infamous storage areas as the Pantry and kitchen cabinets.

Firstly Declutter Your Kitchen Storage!

Before you embark on big kitchen overhaul its best to tackle a quick 5min kitchen purge to get you started!

  1. Anything you haven’t used in the last 12 months or can agree is pretty useless then look to toss it out or donate.
  2. Does it belong in the kitchen? Items such as toys, mail, paperwork and magazines should be reassigned homes away from kitchen.
  3. Bin things straight away that are past date or broken etc

The golden rules to having the most inviting and organised kitchen cupboards and pantry spaces:

  1. Clear it – First remove all items for the storage space
  2. Clean it – Give a good wipe down to all cupboard or pantry surfaces
  3. Declutter it – Throw out or remove inappropriate and broken items or unused items
  4. Organise it – Place your items to be returned to cabinets in categories of either DAILY, SOMETIMES AND RARELY USED. Things used frequently to be placed front and centre on lower shelves of cupboard, then sometimes used items toward the middle and after that those infrequently used items up high or to the back.

Now let’s break it down into some pointers for specialised storage areas:

movers that pack for you

The Pantry

Check out these top hacks on how to organise your kitchen pantry once and for all.

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1. Check expirations

Unfortunately, its totally normal to have a pantry that can be an abyss of out-of-date packets and cans. So first to make space by throwing things out.

2. Sort into categories

Sort out like with like items, for example tinned food together, packaged pasta together, Baking ingredients etc.

3. Containerise food in tubs / baskets

Place packet and unopened foods into baskets, tubs or containers according to suit the size of your pantry shelves

4. Use stackable clear airtight containers

They make better use of space and will also keep pantry moths at bay. Place all your pantry staples (rice, dry beans, flour, biscuits, etc.) into clear airtight containers or jars to keep them fresh for longer than the original packaging.

5. Shelf riser for cans

Putting tinned items on stepped shelves will ensure you can see everything at a quickly and easily.

6. Love your Lazy Susan! 

These help you make the most of your shelf corners: providing instant access to all the sauces, dressings, and those items that get lost in the depths of the cupboards and shelves

7. Tubs for snacks

Store theses tubs on lower shelves below eye level so you can empty packets into the tub and the whole family can see what’s available.

8. Label it

Always label your food item containers and jars to ensure you remain organised moving forward.

An organised pantry will motivate you to cook and eat healthy and writing your shopping list will be a breeze as you can quickly and easily see what is running out. Write expiry as well on label so food items aren’t forgotten in and older items are consumed first.

A few more smart pantry hacks to consider…

1. Hang an over-the door shoe organiser or an over-door wire rack to make an easy-access spot for all the small things as condiments, drinks, snacks that tend to get lost in the back of your pantry

2.Wire drawers and sliding trays are key if you want to maximize your access of deep shelves.

3.  Seasoning packets can be hung from a humble binder clips and a small wire Command Hook.

5. File away your potatoes, place them in a quick pull out the document / magazine holder.

6. Put the extra spaces at the top of your shelves to work storing foil, chips, coffee, or other narrow things that neatly fill gaps.

movers that pack for you

Kitchen Storage Zones

movers that pack for you

Pots, Pans and Appliances

First open your pots and pans drawer or cupboard and sort things into like-with-like items on your countertop. Ensure the items you are going to put back are in good shape, Clean and free of any rust. Now also question how many frying pans do you have and how many do you really need? Do the same with all your pots, baking trays and tins, mixing bowls etc. After your cull stack things in order of use back into the storage cabinet or drawer.

Cooking Utensils

The unruliest drawer in your kitchen, most households have at least one drawer devoted to all cooking utensils — wooden spoons, spatulas to garlic presses to bottle openers and thermometers. Try and get rid of duplicate items that aren’t used and designate a drawer near the stove for utensils you use exclusively for cooking.


Knives should be near your prep area or counter space. Generally, you will only need five high quality sharp knives for food preparation. If your drawers are loaded with more than this, pare it back. You can install a magnetic strip on the wall of your kitchen next to the food preparation area and you’ll always have quick and easy access to your knives and things off your counter. Use drawer dividers to keep them neat and accessible.

Plastic Food Storage Containers

Overflowing in storage containers? Monitor your use of them by applying a couple of small pieces of masking tape to seal all your containers. As you use them, you’ll break the seal. After six months get rid of the containers that still have unbroken masking tape seals.

As for drink bottles to keep this cupboard tidy magazine files are a great way to help keep the bottles upright and contained from spilling constantly out of the cupboard.

The Crockery Cupboard

That cupboard that stores all your dinner plates, breakfast and dessert bowls. At the back of the cupboard I store dessert cups which are rarely used. Drawers tend to be easier to use and access for crockery items. Use long plastic storage baskets from the local dollar store to help keep the smaller items tidy.

And all those Gizmos & Gadgets

Kitchens tend to attract a ton of “must have” gadgets that end up being useless. Discard anything that has outlived its usefulness. Do you really use those slow cookers, specialty pots and pans, egg slicers, fondue set, or apple corers? Most of the time they’re just taking up valuable counter or cabinet space.

We hope this article has helped you overcome some of your kitchen storage capers! Mooving Matters are the movers that pack and unpack you home or space. If you are time poor and would like someone else to handle your kitchen chaos, then why not have us come show you our decluttering services and professional home organisation packages.

movers that pack for you

To arrange a complementary on-site inspection of your home and any moving, packing and unpacking or home organisation tasks, just contact Mooving Matters, your home organiser Sydney. To simply discuss our Ultimate full service packing + moving’  experience call (02)93375333 or visit us at